Hi, I'm looking for an appropriate Boost Graph algorithm for the following problem: my graph (based on adjacency_list) represents the control-flow graph of a program where each vertex is a statement and the control-flow relations between the statements are modeled by edges. Now I'm looking for an algorithm that finds all vertices that can be reached from a defined statement. So, what I need is a back-traversal of the graph, from the given vertex to all predecessors and so forth. I didn't find any algorithm in the Boost Graph Library. The "strong_components" algorithm might be OK since it assumes a directed graph (as is mine) but the algorithm seems to operate in the direction of the directed edges. Obviously I need the the opposite direction. Do you know any approach/algorithm that might solve my problem? Regards, Chris -- Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger