on Wed May 16 2007, Yuval Ronen
Yuval Ronen wrote:
Vladimir Prus wrote:
Yuval Ronen wrote:
Can I pass a command line argument of some sort to tell Boost.Build V2 to disable some specific MSVC warnings? bjam cxxflags=<whatever-MSVC-option-you-want>
should work.
It doesn't. I tried
bjam --toolset=msvc-8.0 cxxflags=/wd4251
but bjam spits errors about invalid arguments
What are the *exact* error messages?
and aborts without building anything. So I tried
bjam --toolset=msvc-8.0 --cxxflags=/wd4251
and it was better, but not good enough.
No, --cxxflags is not a valid option. Only cxxflags=... will have anything remotely like the right effect. The other one will be ignored.
It did compile this time, only warning 4251 was still not disabled. So I tried
bjam -d+2 --toolset=msvc-8.0 --cxxflags=/wd4251
to show the actual command executed (as suggested by bjam --help) but I couldn't figure anything from it. It seems 'cl' is passed some .rsp files, instead of .cpp file (as I expected). The command line didn't include '/wd4251', but maybe it's because the usage of the .rsp file (which I have no idea what it is).
Yeah, so look at the commands that build the .rsp file. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting http://www.boost-consulting.com Don't Miss BoostCon 2007! ==> http://www.boostcon.com