Peter Dimov wrote:
Markus Schöpflin wrote:
Ovanes Markarian wrote:
I googled for my name and found on the first page an entry from the boost archive at Gmane:
From: Ovanes Markarian
Subject: [mpl::map] pregeneration of ... Is there smth, that I miss? With Kind Regards, Ovanes Markarian. To parse the string:
is really silly and can be easily done with your regex lib. Gmane has this to say on the topic, quoted from http://gmane.org/faq.php:
<quote> # I figured out how to crack the address obfuscation in the web interface! You just replace "<at>" with "@"! You guys are obviously not 3l33+!
Er, yes. However, current accepted wisdom in the anti-spam community is that spam harvesting bots do not do even trivial unobfuscation, so nothing more than this trivial scheme is necessary. If that changes, the obfuscation scheme will change, too. </quote>
It's almost impossible to keep an e-mail address non-spammable nowadays (short of not using it at all); a number of viruses/trojans harvest e-mail addresses from infected computers. =
Right, but ensuring that only those people that actually did contact you by private email have your real address on their computers helps quite a bit, in my experience. -- Andreas Huber When replying by private email, please remove the words spam and trap from the address shown in the header.