Hello. I'm trying to implement a very basic parser but I'm stuck at
the beginning of it.
The parser will be fed with input from a very basic minilanguage to
execute tests.
I want that the first line begins literally like this:
begin TestActions
But with my current implementation I can't:
template <class FwdIterator>
struct TestFileParser : qi::grammar {
TestFileParser() : TestFileParser::base_type(start_) {
using namespace boost::spirit::qi;
start_ = lit("begin") >> lit("TestActions");
qi::rule start_;
Because this implementation matches "beginTestActions" as well. And I
want them to be
different words. If I put a space between them, my rule complains
because its attribute
must be a Test(). And if I put in the middel a ' ' it doesn't work
anymore. What's wrong with spaces?
I'm using phrase_parse with qi::ascii::space skipper. Thanks in advance.