I have the following code using Boost Graph Library to use the
-------- code start --------
template<typename T>
class MyVisitor : public boost::default_bfs_visitor{
MyVisitor(T& d): boost::default_bfs_visitor(),d_(d) {};
void tree_edge(E e,const G& g) const {
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor VD;
VD u = boost::source(e,g);
VD v = boost::target(e,g);
d_[u].parent_ = v;
T& d_;
typedef boost::adjacency_listboost::vertex_name_t,IndexT
, boost::propertyboost::edge_name_t,IndexT
> GraphT;
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphT>::vertex_descriptor VD;
struct DataMap {
DataMap(VD p):parent_(p),distance_(0){};
VD parent_;
int distance_;
typedef std::vector<DataMap> VisitedT;
typedef VisitedT::iterator VisitedIterT;
// Graph g properly initialized here
VisitedT visited(boost::num_vertices(g));
for(VI i=vertices(g).first,iend=vertices(g).second;i!=iend;++i){
MyVisitor<VisitedT> vis(visited);
-------- code end --------
The compiles OK, but when I run it I got:
Assertion failed: (std::size_t)i < pm.n, file
C:/boost_1_46_0/boost/graph/two_bit_color_map.hpp, line 86
which is strange as I do not tweak with the color map. From the trials
it seems that the "VisitedT" works if it holds "simple" types like
vertex decriptor etc and not aggregates.
My intention with the DataMap to register the vertex parents and the
vertex distance at the same time, when the edge is visited.
Is there any limit on the library side or did I something wrong?
Thank you and regards, K