2016-09-04 17:24 GMT+02:00 Rene Rivera
At minimum the Fiber build file should avoid building on platforms it doesn't support. It does that for the tests with the following:
[ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_final cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_lambdas cxx11_noexcept cxx11_nullptr cxx11_rvalue_references cxx11_template_aliases cxx11_variadic_templates ]
But doesn't do the same for the libs/fiber/build/jamfile.v2. Oliver you should add that requires to the "boost_fiber" lib target.
thx for the hint. I've pushed the commit. without a clean checkout --reconfigure as to be applied to b2 (otherwise cached check results are used)