Simplest option: add the source (in libs/regex/src) directly to your project, or else create a lib target in your IDE and build from there.
The stlport_test project you sent tweety some time ago, worked fine adding the source to the project, but when I add the sources to my project it gives an error about already defined symbols (STL symbols)
What symbols? If it's complaining about C runtime stuff, then most
you need to change you code generation options (STLPort doesn't support
single threaded runtime options by default, and you probably need to use
debug runtimes in debug mode as well, using the debug-dll /MDd option is always a safe bet).
Also make sure that you have disabled auto-linking to regex by defining BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB as a project level define.
I know i'm pushing it on proposing this, but could you give some step-by-step solution on building that lib target in vc71, this gave me some errors also.....
Just build all the libs/regex/src/*.cpp files into a static lib, the dll version will probably only link if you build with /Zc:wchar_t /DBOOST_REGEX_DYN_LIB=1, however you will then be able to use it irrespective of whether your code uses /Zc:wchar_t or not. Oh, and when you build with STLPort, building with /Zc:wchar_t probably isn't supported (by STLPort that is), so you *may* not be able to build regex as a dll in
Ok, finally got it working with and without DYN_LINK.......... Pheeeeewwwwww! I've downloaded the latest snapshot from BoostConsulting and compiled with nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak, and had the STLPORT_PATH env set to the path where stlport resides Copied the files to a lib directory and pointed the include path to the regex include dir......... Everything works fine now!!!!!!! Thanks again for the patience, and for the Help I'm suspecting that my compile configuration is wrong specially regarding the STLPORT_PATH, thats because I got the same unresolved external symbol error in other boost libraries, I'll do some research on that............ Thanks for the Help Folks!! Regards Rodrigo Falcetta Laperuta boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org gravou em 04/08/2004 07:11:38: likely the the that
case unless you are using STLPort's iostreams (which I know does work).
Oh and someone told me recently that STLPort without it's own iostreams doesn't work properly with VC7 (and 7.1?).
Whew :-/
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