hi Alfredo,
I am starting to investigate the boost.geometry library. One of the applications I have already for it is in the context of particle simulations.
Thanks for your interest.
I still have not much idea of the architecture of the library but it seem very powerful. So for example I was wondering if geometry has facilities for distances and points living in 3D periodic boundary conditions. Topologically it is a torus but with euclidean distance.
Boost.Geometry supports euclidean distances between points or points-lines in 3D. I've no experience in particle simulations, so don't know what to expect, but I'm curious to your findings.
If somebody could point where to look I will appreciate it.
There are several places to look in more detail. The architecture of the library is described in two papers written for BoostCon'09 and BoostCon'10, they can be downloaded here: http://trac.osgeo.org/ggl/wiki/BoostCon On that website there are also some other links a.o. to the Doxygen documentation. Regards, Barend