How can I write a lambda expression with two placeholders, one for the
callable object, and one for the function argument, such that supplying
the callable object first returns a unary function?
In the example below, generate should be a lambda expression with the
first placeholder for the callable object itself, and the second
placeholder for the argument. Calling generate(c) should return a unary
function that is only missing the function call argument. In fact, it
somehow returns type bool already, as proved by the static assert.
struct Arg {
struct Callable : std::unary_function {
bool operator()( Arg const& a ) const { return true; }
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] ) {
BOOST_AUTO(generate, boost::lambda::bind(boost::lambda::_1,
Callable c;
BOOST_AUTO(fn, generate(c));
Arg a;
bool b = fn(a);
Sebastian Theophil | stheophil@think-cell.com
Senior Software Engineer
think-cell Software GmbH | Chausseestr. 8/E | 10115 Berlin | Germany
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