Hello Phantom ----- Mensaje original ----- De: Phantom Fecha: Martes, Agosto 30, 2005 6:20 pm Asunto: Re: [Boost-users] Boost::multiIndex container problems > Thanks for the reply :) > You're inital code caused an internal compiler error (see build > log after > this email), however I took another look at the example and > changed it to > the following and it worked fine : > > mi::ordered_unique< mi::tag, > BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(FilterCreatorDetails, FileTypes, id_) > > so thanks for the pointer :) Ummm... if you're using MSVC++ 7.1, then BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER resolves to a call to boost::multi_index::member, so this cannot be solving the problem IMHO. Please check http://boost.org/libs/multi_index/doc/compiler_specifics.html#msvc_71 where you can read about the problem of this compiler with the /Gm option. I suspect this is the culprit of the internal compiler error. Joaqu�n M L�pez Mu�oz Telef�nica, Investigaci�n y Desarrollo