Vladimir Prus
../tools/build/v2/doc/src/install.xml:11: error: xmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'
Well, that's unquoted '&' character in XML source. Fixed now, thanks for the report!
Thanks -- that fixes the first error. Now I'm left with the second, xsl:element : no namespace bound to prefix xi. xslt-xsltproc ../bin.v2/doc/gcc-3.2/debug/boost.docbook warning: failed to load external entity "src/hash.xml" XInclude: could not load src/hash.xml, and no fallback was found warning: failed to load external entity "src/static_assert.xml" XInclude: could not load src/static_assert.xml, and no fallback was found warning: failed to load external entity "src/type_traits.xml" XInclude: could not load src/type_traits.xml, and no fallback was found Cannot find function named 'checked_delete' Cannot find function named 'checked_array_delete' Cannot find function named 'next' Cannot find function named 'prior' Cannot find function named 'checked_delete' Cannot find function named 'checked_array_delete' Cannot find function named 'next' Cannot find function named 'prior' Cannot find function named 'checked_delete' Cannot find function named 'checked_array_delete' Cannot find function named 'next' Cannot find function named 'prior' Cannot find function named 'checked_delete' Cannot find function named 'checked_array_delete' Cannot find function named 'next' Cannot find function named 'prior' runtime error: file /misc/hdb1/boost_cvs/tools/boostbook/xsl/docbook.xsl line 31 2 element element xsl:element : no namespace bound to prefix xi [... repeated many times ...] error: file src/boost.xml xsltRunStylesheet : run failed XML_CATALOG_FILES=../bin.v2/doc/gcc-3.2/debug/catalog.xml export XML_CATALOG_FILES "/usr/bin/xsltproc" --stringparam boost.libraries ../../libs/libraries.htm -- path ../bin.v2/libs/functional/hash/doc/gcc-3.2/debug --path ../bin.v2/libs/stat ic_assert/doc/gcc-3.2/debug --path ../bin.v2/libs/type_traits/doc/gcc-3.2/debug --xinclude -o "../bin.v2/doc/gcc-3.2/debug/boost.docbook" "/misc/hdb1/boost_cv s/tools/boostbook/xsl/docbook.xsl" "src/boost.xml"