"Victor A. Wagner Jr."
At 14:16 2005-12-05, François Duranleau wrote:
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On Sat, 3 Dec 2005, Victor A. Wagner Jr. wrote:
After reading (and re-reading a few times) the documentation on range, it appears to me that there is little (if any) difference between: boost::sub_range<T> and boost::iterator_range
Seems to me that sub_range is a convenience class to describe iterator ranges from ranges or containers that model ForwardRange, from which you can propagate constness.
yup, that's what I thought also
So what's the distinction? The constness of a subrange affects the constness of its iterators? or...? Having two such beasts in Boost seems on the surface like a clear case of brokenness. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com