and tried adding and changing the environment variables so they are now thus
C:\Users\Paul>set boost BOOST=I:/boost_1_44_0/ boost_build=I:\boost_1_44_0\tools\build\v2\build << or should this be I:\boost_1_44_0\tools\build?? boost_build_path=i:/boost_1_44_0/tools/build/v2 boost_patches=i:\boost-patches boost_root=i:/boost_1_44_0/ boost_sandbox=i:\boost-sandbox boost_trunk=i:\boost-trunk
It seems that boost_root environment variable is not being seen correctly? So I'm doing something wrong still.
Did you get an error message with instructions before this point? You should need to set just one environment variable: set BOOST=i:\boost-trunk and it'll load Boost.Build etc from that. In addition if you don't have a Jamroot file in your subdirectory then the default one will set up include paths etc for the main Boost tree. Note the upper case name as well boost_root won't be seen by the Build system at all, also use Windows style backslashes for BOOST. Also which directory are you invoking bjam from? HTH, John. PS Just added some more diagnostics to the boost-build.jam file. Also make sure your bjam.exe is up to date... just in case...