Hello everybody. I have tried to compile boost-libraries and I have trouble with compileation. Try number #1: g:\Projects\boost_1_50_0>bootstrap.bat 1>stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt g:\Projects\boost_1_50_0\tools\build\v2\engine> stdout.txt: Building Boost.Build engine stderr.txt: \Microsoft was unexpected at this time. bootstrap.log: Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools. Try number #2: g:\Projects\boost_1_50_0>bootstrap.bat toolset=msvc 1>stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt g:\Projects\boost_1_50_0> stdout.txt: Building Boost.Build engine Failed to build Boost.Build engine. Please consult bootstrap.log for furter diagnostics. You can try to obtain a prebuilt binary from http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586&package_id=72941 Also, you can file an issue at http://svn.boost.org Please attach bootstrap.log in that case. stderr.txt: - this file is empty bootstrap.txt: ### ### "Unknown toolset: toolset" ### ### You can specify the toolset as the argument, i.e.: ### .\build.bat msvc ### ### Toolsets supported by this script are: borland, como, gcc, gcc-nocygwin, ### intel-win32, metrowerks, mingw, msvc, vc7, vc8, vc9, vc10, vc11 ### What can I do?