On Sunday, July 31, 2011 10:00:18 AM Peter Foelsche wrote:
"Nathan Ridge"
wrote in message news:BLU162-w391671204D2BB963EB584996390@phx.gbl... phoenix is some library to create lambda functions. This is not what I need. I want to get objects out, which I can later work on.
What sort of "work" do you want to do with these objects?
I want to manipulate these objects. I want to iterate over these objects and create a new set of objects.
Use Phoenix. You can access the underlying expression tree and manipulate your expression objects however you like. Have a look here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/libs/phoenix/doc/html/phoenix/examples/... This example is also explained in the boostcon talk by Hartmut here (to the end of the talk): http://blip.tv/boostcon/phoenix-v3-an-overview-5250984 https://github.com/boostcon/2011_presentations/blob/master/mon/phoenix_v3.pd... HTH, Thomas