On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 2:55 AM Dominique Devienne via Boost-users
Given the high connect time on Windows, I thought I'd try to keep the connection open on the client, and issue several send-request/read-response pairs, using the Beast-based (sync) HTTP client, but only the first one works correctly, the 2nd errors out with:
Error: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
This means that the server closed the connection. Are you setting HTTP/1.1 in the request? For HTTP/1.1 the default is to enable keep-alive. But for 1.0 the default is to close the connection. It sounds like your connection is being closed after one request. Beast definitely supports keep-alive, so this is certainly user error. Please inspect the request/response messages taking place and post them on the list unmodified (use a wire sniffer for this if necessary) if you are still having problems. Thanks