-----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:29 PM
"Eric Goebelbecker"
escribió en el mensaje news:7611ef5a05050311052664ea@mail.gmail.com... I'm new to Boost and have been lurking on the list for a short time.
This sounds like a good idea to me. Although I mean lean toward a portal type site, only because wikis have been compromised frequently of late, and a volunteer site doesn't need the additional headaches.
I may be able to help out with web hosting space. I have an "extra" account and a low-budget hosting company.
Fernando Cacciola SciSoft
[Brian Braatz Writes:] #1 GO GO GO ! This is an excellent idea #2 I suggest if you cannot get a donated host, that you setup a PayPal link on the site. This would allow people to donate. I for one would donate money to keep the site running.