AMDG Robert P. J. Day wrote:
i want to package the latest version of boost for the LTIB software package so, to make a long story short, here's the RPM packaging spec file for an older version: <snip>
%Install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{pfx}/%{_prefix} (cd tools/build/jam_src && ./ BJAM=`find tools/build/jam_src/ -name bjam -a -type f` PYTHON_VERSION=`python -V 2>&1 |sed 's,.* \([0-9]\.[0-9]\)\(\.[0-9]\)\?.*,\1,'` PYTHON_FLAGS="-sPYTHON_ROOT=%{_prefix} -sPYTHON_VERSION=$PYTHON_VERSION" $BJAM $PYTHON_FLAGS -sTOOLS=gcc -sBUILD="debug release" --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{pfx} %{_prefix} install
1) does 1.37.0 still require a "regex" patch? apparently, the patch mentioned above was to address some regex issues identified after 1.31.0 was released? i'm ready to assume that anything that significant has been resolved since then.
I would assume that it has been resolved.
2) i'm also assuming that JAM is required for that final packaging step so that part of the spec file is still relevant.
in other words, other than dropping the regex patch and updating the version number, does the above spec file look about right for 1.37.0? i'm about to give it a try. thanks.
The bjam syntax is out of date. echo "using python : $PYTHON_VERSION : %{_prefix} ;" >user-config.jam $BJAM --user-config=user-config.jam toolset=gcc debug release --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{pfx} %{_prefix} install should be closer, although the use of %{_prefix} in the bjam command is probably wrong since I'm not sure what it was supposed to do. In Christ, Steven Watanabe