Sascha Friedmann wrote:
Hello, I have a problem with serializing smart_ptrs. I have tried both the boost::scoped_ptr and the boost::shared_ptr but I get always the same error:
Boost1-33\include\boost-1_33\boost\archive\detail\oserializer.hpp(566): error C2027: Use of undefined type "boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<x>" with [ x=false ]
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
**** replace the following
Test t;
const Test t;
std::ofstream ofs( "test.txt" );
boost::archive::text_oarchive out( ofs );
out << t;
I hope someone can help me (google and the documentation couldn't :()
This is explained in couple of places:
a) The code comment at the point where the compile time error occurs gives and explanation and points to more information. b) The Rationale section of the documentation explains this in detail and why this is trapped.
Sascha Friedmann
I understand now the problem, but in my real project I ran again into
Robert Ramey wrote: this trap. After rereading the article in the rationale I understand fully why it is trapping, but I don't want to set my class to track_never because I can't guarantee that it is what I want. And const_cast is no solution, too. So the thing that is left is this construct_from class-wrapper. But it seems it is only an example an not a part of the boost::serialization library. How do I write my own construct_from wrapper, that can wrap all my objects, so that I can still create them non-const on the stack and use them and for serializing I'm just creating such a construct_from wrapper for an object? While writing I'm wondering now if I'm not bypassing the system with this.. Sascha Friedmann