look for "no_header" argument on archive constructor.
Robert Ramey
"Robert Dailey" wrote in message news:496954360908251603w1f1726fala87172ac7ceba27f@mail.gmail.com...
I'm looking at the streambuf filled with data after I do this:
boost::asio::streambuf buf;
std::ostream stream( &buf );
boost::archive::binary_oarchive archive( stream );
archive << "Hello World";
And I see that there's a lot of binary data that preceeds the "Hello World" data. Looks like custom header information that boost::serialization inserts into the stream. Is there a way to prevent any automatic header information from being inserted into the archive's stream? I'm using this serialized buffer to communicate with a device over a COM port and I can't have this extra information in my buffer.
Robert Dailey
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