This is a C++ syntax issue.
The first example explicitly instantiates the serialize declaration without specifying its implementation
which leads to an undefined symbol. just use:
template<class Archive>
void PaloClient::serialize( Archive &ar, const unsigned int version ) {
ar & m_PaloClientImpl;
and the appropriate code wil be instantiated if and only if it is actually invoked.
Robert Ramey
"Oliver Kania" wrote in message
Hello !
When linking a program that consists only of main.cpp with a library that serializes
a class "Palo Cllient" I get the following message (sry for the mess):
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void __thiscall jedox::palo::PaloClient::serialize<class boost::archive::text_oarchive>(class boost::archive::text_oarchive &,unsigned int)" (??$serialize@ Vtext_oarchive@archive@boost@@@PaloClient@palo@jedox@@AAEXAAVtext_oarchive@archive@boost@@I@Z) referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl boost::serialization::access::serialize(class boost::archive::text_oarchive &,class jedox::palo::PaloClient &,unsigned int)" (??$serialize@ Vtext_oarchive@archive@boost@@VPaloClient@palo@jedox@@@access@serialization@boost@@SAXAAVtext_oarchive@archive@2@AAVPaloClient@palo@jedox@@I@Z)
This happens even though I do NOT explicitly serialize anything.
Main.cpp includes:
For the class PaloClient, I do use the Pimpl idiom and serialize as it is recommended
in the documentation:
template<class Archive>
void PaloClient::serialize( Archive &ar, const unsigned int version ) {
ar & m_PaloClientImpl;
template void PaloClient::serializeboost::archive::text_iarchive(
boost::archive::text_iarchive & ar,
const unsigned int file_version
template void PaloClient::serializeboost::archive::text_oarchive(
boost::archive::text_oarchive & ar,
const unsigned int file_version
Now, when I change this to
void PaloClient::serialize(boost::archive::text_iarchive & ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar & m_PaloClientImpl;
void PaloClient::serialize (boost::archive::text_oarchive & ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar & m_PaloClientImpl;
The linkage error disappears. I guess this is a Visual C++ compiler problem but
I wanted to post this in case someone else has similar problems.
Kind regards, Oliver
PS: Thanks for this great serialization library, it saved me many weeks of programming.
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