i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is
normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it
off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild
STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="