I am using Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2005 to create my 64 bit application I used bjam to build my boost libraries with the following command bjam --toolset=msvc-8.0_64 stagedir=. --build-type=complete But when I link it to my library I get many warnings like the following 1>..\..\3rdparty\boost\boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp(19) : warning C4103: 'd:\brokaw.x64\3rdparty\boost\boost\config\abi_prefix.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop) 1>..\..\3rdparty\boost\boost/archive/detail/abi_prefix.hpp(11) : warning C4103: 'd:\brokaw.x64\3rdparty\boost\boost\archive\detail\abi_prefix.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop) 1>..\..\3rdparty\boost\boost/archive/basic_binary_oprimitive.hpp(52) : warning C4103: 'd:\brokaw.x64\3rdparty\boost\boost\archive\basic_binary_oprimitive.hpp' : alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop) The library builds but with 892 of these boost warnings Then when I build the driver for the app I get 219 linker errors like the following 2>overlaylibd.lib(bsVolumeLineStrip.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl boost::archive::detail::basic_iarchive::load_object(void *,class boost::archive::detail::basic_iserializer const &)" (?load_object@basic_iarchive@detail@archive@boost@ @QEAAXPEAXAEBVbasic_iserializer@234@@Z) 2>overlaylibd.lib(bsVolumePolygons.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl boost::archive::detail::basic_iarchive::load_object(void *,class boost::archive::detail::basic_iserializer const &)" (?load_object@basic_iarchive@detail@archive@boost@ @QEAAXPEAXAEBVbasic_iserializer@234@@Z) referenced in function "private: void __cdecl bs::Volume::Serialize::load<class boost::archive::binary_iarchive>(class boost::archive::binary_iarchive &,unsigned int)" ( ??$load@Vbinary_iarchive@archive@boost@@@Serialize@Volume@bs@@AEAAXAEAVbinary_iarchive@archive@boost@@I@Z ) Most of them are for boost::archive , boost::serilization and boost::signal Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to fix these issues Thank you LeRetha Childress