31 Jul
31 Jul
3:32 p.m.
Hello, I just recently began using the boost library, I want to write and read string to serialized objects with the function 'xml_oarchive' and 'xml_iarchive'. When I execute this code (with visual c++.net v. 7.1) : std::ofstream ofs("C:\\Save.xml"); const wchar_t * ptr; ptr=m_strEdit.GetBuffer(); assert(ofs.good()); boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(ofs); oa.save(ptr); wchar_t str[512]; std::ifstream ifs("C:\\Save.xml"); boost::archive::xml_iarchive ia(ifs,0); ia.load(str); ifs.close(); the programm failed : Thanks and regards, Bruno POINAS ActiCM S.A. 122, rue du Rocher de Lorzier - Centr'Alp - 38430 - MOIRANS