Hi Jan
when doing a transition using transit<myDestinationState>, I would like to pass some parameters to myDestination.
What is the ctor of myDestination going to do with them? Where do these arguments come from? What did you do with them in the react function?
Problem is, those parameter-values will not be known at compile time, so I can't just pass them in as template-parameters to myDestinationState. Of course I could just set some global (or static member member) variable and read that from myDestinationState's constructor but this doesn't feel like a very clean design.
Any suggestions?
There are various ways: Have a variable in an outer state, have one in the FSM, use a transition action or avoid the problem altogether. What exactly the best one is really depends on the source of your problem. Regards, -- Andreas Huber When replying by private email, please remove the words spam and trap from the address shown in the header.