Christian Larsen
Anthony Williams skrev:
Christian Larsen
writes: [snip] My question is whether there is a smarter way to reset the interruption request (if any) than this:
try { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); } catch (boost::thread_interrupted&) { // ignore } [snip]
That's essentially the only way to do it, but if interruption is disabled, even that won't work.
Ok, thanks for the reply.
Would there be any chance that a function for this would be added? I mean, it doesn't feel right to throw and catch an exception for controlling program flow (haven't benchmarked, but it has to be more expensive than flipping a flag). Couldn't a reset functionality easily be added?
Yes, it could be added. I've put it on my list. Anthony -- Anthony Williams | Just Software Solutions Ltd Custom Software Development | http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk Registered in England, Company Number 5478976. Registered Office: 15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL