On 8/31/2010 6:04 PM, Steven Watanabe wrote:
Timothy Madden wrote:
In a callback function I need to store and save an exception object for until the callback is finished and the control is returned to my application code. The callback is invoked by the C language code in minizip library from zlib-1.2.3 contrib directory, and I need to throw the exception when control returns to my application invoking minizip functions.
This is true for any exception that might get thrown and caught in my callback, so I would like to do that for any exception type.
However how can I store a thrown object for later re-throw without the actual exception type ? Is there a way to do that ?
I think this is what boost::exception_ptr is for. http://www.boost.org/libs/exception/doc/exception_ptr.html
It looks like that only works as long as every throw site uses enable_current_exception to throw.