----- Original Message -----
From: "Hartmut Kaiser"
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] fusion struct adapt macro,construct the struct
from a fusion vector
I am trying to write code that is as independent of the struct as
The first thing that comes to my mind for the ctor is
struct params {
...// there are 7 members, in the 100 or so different structs I will
max 20 members maybe
params(const fusion::vector& v);
This probably isn't what you meant.
How to generalize it to any fusion sequence?
Is it possible to generalize the number of template args?
What about:
template <typename Seq>
params(Seq const& seq,
typename boost::enable_if<
::type* = NULL);
Here is the code I have (plz see below), but it seems there are issues with
const-ness that I don't understand.
For the case of 2 sequences, does zip return a sequence of vector2s each of
which has only 2 const entries.
In the assignelt functor, I tried casting const away but there is this error
with the code below:
error: no match for call to '(const assignelt)
note: candidates are: void assignelt::operator()(Pair&) const
[with Pair = boost::fusion::vector2]
I don't understand why this error happens. The operator() is const as it
should be. The template argument matches.
I've tried with operator()( const Pair& ) as well, same error.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace boost::fusion;
struct params
double field1;
double field2;
double field3;
unsigned int field4;
unsigned int field5;
unsigned int field6;
unsigned int field7;
params() {}
template <typename Seq>
params(const Seq& seq, typename boost::enable_if<
boost::fusion::traits::is_sequence<Seq> >::type* = 0);
(double, field1)
(double, field2)
(double, field3)
(unsigned int, field4)
(unsigned int, field5)
(unsigned int, field6)
(unsigned int, field7)
struct assignelt {
template <typename Pair>
void operator()( Pair& rhs ) const
at_c<0,Pair>(rhs) = at_c<1,Pair>(rhs);
template <typename Seq>
params::params(const Seq& seq, typename boost::enable_if<
boost::fusion::traits::is_sequence<Seq> >::type*)
for_each(zip(*this, seq), assignelt());
struct printtype {
template <typename T>
void operator()( const T& rhs) const
std::cout<< rhs < vec_type;
const vec_type v(4.5, 5.5, 5.4, 1,2,3,4);
params p;
boost::fusion::for_each( p, printtype() );