
There must be something else I'm missing then. I'm linking the program_options library in and everything else works great, it's just that one function that doesn't link.
Oh, and I'm using Boost 1.35.0, gcc 4.0.1 and cmake.
I'll take a closer look. Thanks!


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 17:42, Steven Watanabe <watanabesj@gmail.com> wrote:

Arthur Carlsson wrote:
When I try to use the parse_config_file() function from the program_options library I get a link error saying (built on OS X 10.5):

Undefined symbols:
"boost::program_options::basic_parsed_options<char> boost::program_options::parse_config_file<char>(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, boost::program_options::options_description const&, bool)", referenced from:
_main in main.cc.o
ld: symbol(s) not found

Taking a closer look at the code I discovered that the function is declared as a template in boost/program_options/parsers.hpp but is defined in boost/libs/program_options/src/parsers.cpp.
Is this really valid? I've thought that templated functions need to be defined along with the declaration as the template arguments need to be evaluated at compile time.
Or am I missing something?

It is legal to define templates in the source files as long as they are
explicitly instantiated, which is what these lines after the definition are for

  BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_DECL basic_parsed_options<char>
  parse_config_file(std::basic_istream<char>& is,
                    const options_description& desc,
                    bool allow_unregistered);

As long as you are linking to the program_options library, it should be fine.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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