On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Rhys Ulerich <rhys.ulerich@gmail.com> wrote:

Not as far as I know.  You could accomplish this accumulating indices
and strides relative to the origin (similar to the pseudocode for
a(index_list) in Table 3 of
 One other option might be &a(index_list) - a.origin().

... since origin() is arr [0][0]...[0],  neither of these is the answer in general. But thanks, good pointers there! Sad there isn't a multi_array::offset( indices ) or something that: 

assert ( 
   &arr( index_list )  == arr.data() + arr.offset( index_list )  

this kind of stuff is useful when interacting with legacy libs or other languages. 

On a separate note, since for whatever reason the multi_array::index_bases() doesn't return a const Collection reference or something, the following doesn't work: 

T element  =  arr( arr.index_bases() );

Is there an easier alternative to the following (setting the first element of any Multi Array model, note that data() may not be available for all): 

indices I;  // a collection object
for ( int i = 0; i < arr.num_dimensions(); ++i ) 
    I[i] = arr.index_bases()[i]; 

arr( I ) = ... ;