AMDG Boost lzw wrote:
I have a similar question. I manually built boost 1.39 for MS Visual Studio 2008 Prof according to the following link:
The build-up file folder took up to 9 GB. Now before manually building 1.40, what should I do with the previous version (1.39) on my machine? It seems there is nothing in the control panel->add and remove program for boost 1.39. I guess there is no way to remove 1.39 from the control panel. Should I simply delete 1.39 file folders before building the 1.40?
Yes. Boost doesn't do anything fancy, so there is nothing to clean up beyond the obvious files.
Does the same building procedure for 1.39 (described in the above link) apply to manually building 1.40 as well? Thanks in advance.
It's somewhat out of date, since it was written for 1.34.1. It looks like it ought to work, but it's a lot more complex than it needs to be. You can look at the getting started guide: In Christ, Steven Watanabe