OK, I know now. it could be set at VC project settings. Always use
Thank John! I tried this, and it's ok:
struct Grepper { int nPriority; boost::regex re;
friend bool operator< (const Grepper& g1, const Grepper& g2) { return g1.nPriority > g2.nPriority; } }; bool QueryGreppers(Grepper& gp) { gp.nPriority = 1; gp.re = boost::regex("\\s*#define\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+([^/\\r\\n]+)([^\\r\\n]*)");
return true; }
int main(void) { Grepper gp; QueryGreppers(gp);
return 0; }
But in my real project env, this code snippet is place into a DLL: Grepper gp; QueryGreppers(gp);
And QueryGreppers is a function pointer get from another dll, any comments about this?
Another questions: I only used Vc6 as develop tools, I know little about lib and dll selection issue. Where can I learn about how to select boost lib and dlls?
"John Maddock"
$)ATZNDUBVPLa5=: int main(void) { boost::regex re; re ="\\s*#define\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+([^/\\r\\n]+)([^\\r\\n]*)"; return 0; }