I quickly glanced your code. Unfortunately it seems to take the opposite approach of what I had in mind: You copy the GIL pixel data into an IPL image, then you do some cool stuff to these pixels I suppose, and at the end you might copy everything back to a GIL image to finish up... What I want to do is provide GIL with a way of directly accessing the pixel data owned by a QImage, so all GIL algorithms can work on this data, no copying back and forth. I haven't dug my way to the bottom of the GIL code yet, but it seems to me GIL is designed not to care about the representation of a pixel/an image, so it should be quite straightforward to provide some sort of qimage_iterator and create a view on a qimage.
I don't think I'm copying back and forth. But nonetheless, depending on the image type there are some pixel iterators. Please see here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/gil/doc/html/g_i_l_0188.html Can you get access to the image buffer, scanline length, etc? If so, you can create an iterator based on the image type. Christian