François Mauger wrote:
Thank you Robert for the fast reply and the hint. I've just checkout the trunk and built it. Now I link against 1.47 and my use case ran without apparent problem. Of course it needs more tests to validate a production approach for my DLLs but it is very encouraging after weeks/months of struggle to setup this multi DLL approach.
Was all this effort related to boost serialization or all the "other" stuff which appears when one does this?
It seems the code that you have modified/fixed is the 'void_caster::recursive_unregister()' method in 'void_cast.cpp' where there was some possibly double deletion occurence, depending on how the set was filled.
If I copy the fix in the 1.44 source, is it supposed to work, or is there other stuff to be modified ?
In this particular instance, it's just the changes in 'void_caster::recursive_unregister()' BTW, credit for fixing this incredible obscure and difficult to find bug goes to ...Aaron Barany. I was stuck with this until he fixed it. Robert Ramey