Another frustrating day trying to compile some code...
I'm trying use the regex library. My application is compiled using Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd). I specified the following library libboost_regex-vc71-mt.lib and all I get are link errors.
libboost_regex-vc71-mt.lib is compiled for the release runtime (/MD), so I'm not surprised you got errors. Why not just place the libraries in your compilers search path, and let auto-linking take care of selecting the right one?
My application is a console app so I defined BOOST_REGEX_NO_W32
If you do that, then you also have to compile the library with BOOST_REGEX_NO_W32 defined (put it in boost/regex/user.hpp), however, you can use the default compiled version perfectly well in a console app, so this shouldn't be necessary, unless you really want to avoid linking to user32.lib. John.