On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:46:55 +0200, Roland Bock
Boris wrote:
What's nice about the Poco library (I just had a quick look at the documentation) that it seems to support various platform-specific logging facilities. That would be another strong reason for me to use a logging library instead of simply writing messages to a file myself.
Poco also has filters, splitters (for sending one message to various sinks),
As Andrey's library uses attributes to route messages filtering and splitting works, too. Every sink decides itself if a message should be logged by looking at attributes and checking their values. That way if you want to save more messages to file A for example you only need to change the configuration of the respective sink and don't need to go over your entire code base to log messages to file A everywhere.
log rotation with optional compression,
There is http://boost-log.sourceforge.net/libs/log/doc/html/header/boost/log/utility/... but it doesn't support compression I think.
asynchronous logging and
This could help you: http://boost-log.sourceforge.net/libs/log/doc/html/header/boost/log/sinks/th...
[...]I'd love to have that functionality "boostified" :-)
I'm glad to see that I could find those features you mentioned in Andrey's logging library. It looks like it's pretty much usable then. :) As I said the only feature I miss is support for platform-specific logging facilities (there is only syslog support currently; see http://boost-log.sourceforge.net/libs/log/doc/html/header/boost/log/sinks/sy...). I also think it could be easier to adapt and extend (see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/179360/). Boris