Hello list members,
I tries to use 'depth_first_search' in a very simple manner but I get an weird compilation error.
Here's a snippet of my code:
typedef adjacency_list BGL_Graph; // Vertex is a bundled property
BGL_Graph g(...)
typedef boost::property_map::type VertexIndexMap;
VertexIndexMap vertex_id = boost::get(boost::vertex_index, g);
vector colormap(num_vertices(g));
, visitor(default_dfs_visitor())
, make_iterator_property_map(colormap.begin(), vertex_id)
I use a graph with listS for the VertexList. Then I try to specify my own color map (created like the default color map) and want to set a dfs visitor (here the default one). But the compiler can't find 'initialize_vertx' and 'start_vertex'.
I atteched the compiler output but it's a german version.
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