Hi Emmanuel,
On 8/1/07, Emmanuel Viaud
Using Boost 1.34.1 (with g++-3.4.2) and more specifically the Boost Graph library, I stumbled on a small problem with the transitive_closure algorithm.
I saw in the documentation that I can get a map containing the mapping between the vertices of the original graph and the ones in the transitive closure graph (the orig_to_copy parameter). But every time I call the method, I get an empty map as a result. To sum up my code, I use the following data structures for the graph:
typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS > graph_t; typedef boost::graph_traits < graph_t >::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
and the following one for the expected map:
typedef std::map < vertex_t, vertex_t > ioMap_t;
The graphs and map are declared the following way:
graph_t myGraph; graph_t myTCGraph;
ioMap_t ioMap;
I used both versions of the algorithm: 1) using named parameters, I call: transitive_closure(myGraph, myTCGraph, orig_to_copy(ioMap));
2) using "standard" parameters, I call: transitive_closure(myGraph, myTCGraph, ioMap, get(vertex_index, myGraph));
So, the main question is easy: Where did I write something wrong ? :-)
You did not pass transitive_closure a property map. Instead you give
the algorithm a std::map.
typedef std::map < vertex_t, vertex_t > ioMap_t;
ioMap_t vertex_vertex_map;
boost::associative_property_map< std::map