Edson Tadeu ha escrito:
Actually I tried to simplify into a test case a code in a real application I was debugging, but I forgot to put a line in it:
using boost::format; format f("%0s%-32.32s:%|40t|%|.6|%|55t|%25s\n "); f.bind_arg(1,""); f % "test1" % 2.0 % "test3"; f % "test4" % 5.0 % "test6"; // calls clear() and breaks
It didn't call clear() explicitly, but operator%() automatically calls it to refresh to a new string. Your test does the same thing and is much clearer and simpler. I got a crash on your code too, when debugging on msvc 7.
I changed the offending line to:
if( bound_.size()==0 || (items_[i].argN_ >= 0) && !bound_[ items_[i].argN_ ] )
And now it is ok here!
I'd say the following is marginally more correct if( bound_.size()==0 || items_[i].argN_<0 || !bound_[ items_[i].argN_ ] ) because it clears items_[i].res_ in exactly every case except for bound args while your formulation omits items_[i].res_ clearing in more cases than bound args, namely also for items_[i].argN_<0. Anyway, it probably does not matter much. Does this formulation still solve your crash? I'm posting this a a patch proposal in a separate post. Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo