On Tuesday 25 January 2005 07:03 am, Anatoly Petkevich wrote:
I am trying to use the BGL to create sparse undirected graph using boost::setS as template argument for EdgeList parameter:
typedef adjacency_list
That's an interesting configuration... so the vertices and out-edges are stored in vectors, but the list of edges--as accessed via edges(g)--would be sorted according to some criteria? Is this the representation that's right for your application? (I haven't seen a need for such a representation before).
Impementation of boost::add_edge() for undirected graphs calls g.m_edges.push_back(e), and we get compilation error here since push_back() is not a member of associative container std::set. There is no such a problem for directed graphs (directedS).
Directed graphs don't actually use the EdgeListS parameter. It's only needed for undirected graphs.
According to the BGL documentation there are no restrictions on EdgeList parameter for undirected graphs. Is this an undocumented feature or inconsistent implementation or library misuse?
Inconsistent implementation. When adjacency_list was written, I think it was assumed that associative containers would not show up in EdgeListS. I don't know deep that assumption goes, or what it would take to eliminate it. Doug