20 Jun
20 Jun
12:14 a.m.
In the Kevin Bacon example in the Boost::Graph documentation, we declare: typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, undirectedS, property < vertex_name_t, std::string >, property < edge_name_t, std::string > > Graph; Graph g; and later declare and call: typedef property_map < Graph, vertex_name_t >::type actor_name_map_t; actor_name_map_t actor_name = get(vertex_name, g); What are we actually getting back here? I can see that we can index it (we do later), but is it just an array? Or a vector? Or what? I assume I am /supposed/ to know (not like Ada's "type foo is private"), so that I know what I can do with it! TIA, Tim Rowe