the following code did not work as expected:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace boost::xpressive;
int main()
std::string input(
"the answer is\r42"
const std::string f( "[Input]\n%1%\n|\n" );
std::ostringstream oss;
#if 0
oss << boost::format( f )
% input
oss << input;
sregex re = as_xpr("\r");
std::string format("\n");
std::ostream_iterator< char > out_iter( std::cout );
regex_replace( out_iter, oss.str().begin(), oss.str().end(), re,
format );
The first version displays nothings, the second adds garbage around the
text and prints the input string twice. Does exist some limitations or
did I ignore some basics?