Le Sun, 18 Jun 2006 05:31:53 -0400, Edward Diener a écrit :
What Dave suggested is standard information for anyone using a debugger in C++. Putting that in the Boost documentation is unnecessary.
Without using aligned storage, I do not see why anyone would have to do such a cast to debug data structures... So it doesn't seem to me to be standard in any way for C++. If I write, say, a linked list, I just ask my debugger to show me what object a pointer in my link object points to. As it is clear in the debug symbols that it is also a link, I see all it's members. And so on, and I can browse the contents of my list without casting any base address of anything. With aligned storage, that type information seems to be unavailable, at least in a trivial way, for the debugger, thus the cast. Are there so many cases where one uses aligned storage or a similar facility that this kind of debug-time cast is really common? BTW, is there any way for the debugger to know automatically what the type the storage should be cast to? Curiously, Nowhere man -- nowhere.man@levallois.eu.org OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A