Hi, everybody.
I'm trying to synthesize a function type G from another function type F
with some changes on return and arg types. What I need to leave
constant, are all these additional properties that are returned by
components<F>::tag. I want them all as a bunch, don't really fancy
querying them one by one, they sorta look contradictive or at least
The naive approach of passing the same tag to the function_type does not make a change -
it leads to the same result as if default null_tag were passed.
How do you generate a function type with the same additional properties
as the given one?
Sample code:
typedef int (__stdcall * pF)(char);
typedef int ( * pG)(char);
typedef remove_pointer<pF>::type F;
typedef components<F> compsF;
// generate type hopefully like pF
typedef function_pointer
>::type pfn_gen;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same)); // this one
passes, should fail, though
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same)); // I wish,
but fails
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