You will need to download boost and build from source into a custom directory.

Downloads here:

Then bootstrap and build:

$ ./ 
$ ./b2 —prefix=<destination-dir> variant=release install

On Thu, 24 Sep 2020 at 08:05, Shiladitya Porey via Boost-users <> wrote:
Respected Sir/Madam,
 I am running a code where the minimum required version of the boost package is 66. But the version of boost in my laptop is 65.  I tried the command
sudo apt install  libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev
But it failed to update. Then I tried to download the package from the website and followed the instructions to install it. But still the version is still 65. 

Could you kindly help me, please?

Thanking you,

Shiladitya Porey

Shiladitya Porey
Office: Room no. : 434,Old Building
Mobile: 8 913 462-44-32


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Richard Hodges
office: +442032898513
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