We are in the process of creating unit tests for our in-house application development and have selected Boot.Test as a library. I’ve been toying with the library for a while now and there is one feature that I feel is missing. It is the capacity to check a whole collection for close values, i.e. the “close” equivalent of BOOST_*_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS.
Nevertheless, I have come up with an implementation for those macros. I wanted to share them here on the list (code at the end of the mail). It might be useful for some people. If Gennadiy (library maintainer) reads this mail and finds the macros adequate for use, great. If not, too bad.
Anyhow, thanks.
template <typename Left, typename Right>
inline ::boost::test_tools::predicate_result
close_coll_impl( Left lt_begin, Left lt_end, Right rt_begin, Right rt_end,
::boost::test_tools::percent_tolerance_t<double> tolerance )
::boost::test_tools::predicate_result res( true );
::std::size_t pos = 0;
for( ; lt_begin != lt_end && rt_begin != rt_end; ++lt_begin, ++rt_begin, ++pos )
if( !(::boost::test_tools::check_is_close( *lt_begin, *rt_begin, tolerance )) )
res = false;
res.message() << "\nMismatch in a position " << pos << ": " << *lt_begin << " != " << *rt_begin;
if( lt_begin != lt_end )
std::size_t r_size = pos;
while( lt_begin != lt_end )
res = false;
res.message() << "\nCollections size mismatch: " << pos << " != " << r_size;
if( rt_begin != rt_end )
std::size_t l_size = pos;
while( rt_begin != rt_end )
res = false;
res.message() << "\nCollections size mismatch: " << l_size << " != " << pos;
return res;
} // namespace boost_hlp
#define CLOSE_COLLECTIONS_IMPL( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end, tolerance, TL ) \
::boost_hlp::close_coll_impl( (L_begin), (L_end), (R_begin), (R_end), \
::boost::test_tools::percent_tolerance_t<double>((tolerance) )), "", TL, CHECK_EQUAL_COLL ), \
5, \
BOOST_STRINGIZE( ::boost::test_tools::percent_tolerance_t<double>((tolerance) ) ) ) \
#define WARN_CLOSE_COLLECTIONS( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end, tolerance ) \
CLOSE_COLLECTIONS_IMPL( (L_begin), (L_end), (R_begin), (R_end), (tolerance), WARN )
#define CHECK_CLOSE_COLLECTIONS( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end, tolerance ) \
CLOSE_COLLECTIONS_IMPL( (L_begin), (L_end), (R_begin), (R_end), (tolerance), CHECK )
#define REQUIRE_CLOSE_COLLECTIONS( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end, tolerance ) \
CLOSE_COLLECTIONS_IMPL( (L_begin), (L_end), (R_begin), (R_end), (tolerance), REQUIRE )