Hello Christian and Mario, thanks for your responses.
I think I'm much closer to an implementation now.
> I would also appreciate any hints in general about own composed operations. Perhaps there are other approaches that are a bit less intimidating?
Once you get used to it it's not really that intimidating. All the
composed operations follow the same pattern and other than the
"operator()" it's a lot of repetitive boilerplate, quite boring
Yes, as I was moving forward this turnes out to be the problem now. Essentially, most of the operations I have in mind combine tasks with different completion token types. For example async_resolve() and async_connect().
Once I saw how operator() basically acts as a handler for all the async ops within this question became the most interesting one.
If you look at https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_71_0/libs/beast/doc/html/index.html
you will find a whole "Writing Composed Operations" section in the
I did have a look at Vince's tutorial but tbh I wanted so see the problems that would be simplified first before jump right ahead.
I guess that's where I'm now ;-)