Not in the examples folder or the docs, but the test contains lots of examples. Well, they all do the same thing, so what is done is this: join_miter < point_type, typename bg::point_type<GeometryOut>::type > join_strategy;
typedef bg::strategy::buffer::distance_assymetric<double> distance_strategy_type; distance_strategy_type distance_strategy(distance_left, distance_right); std::vector<GeometryOut> buffered; bg::buffer_inserter<GeometryOut>(geometry, std::back_inserter(buffered), distance_strategy, join_strategy);
Thanks Barend! I think I am almost there, but there is a kink that I am trying to work out. If I have coordinates expressed in degrees longitude/latitude, can I operate directly on those coordinates without first transforming them to a "flat" projection like UTM? It is easy enough to get meters/degree latitude, but longitudinal distortion is another matter. Does the distance_strategy have anything to do with this? I can accept a first-order model that assumes meters/degree-longitude is constant over the entire shape. Thanks, John