"Uwe Schmitt"
I have a problem with compiling an application using boost python. I use Microsofts VC++ version 7.1. The following lines describe my problem:
cl /EHsc /TP /IC:\Python24\include /ID:\home\Administrator\svn_local\public.procoders.net\pcsvm /IC:\boost\include\boost-1_32 /c pythonAdapter.cpp /FopythonAdapter.obj pythonAdapter.cpp C:\Boost\include\boost-1_32\boost\python\operators.hpp(209) : fatal error C1001: INTERNER COMPILERFEHLER (Compilerdatei 'msc1.cpp', Zeile 2701) Whlen Sie im Men '?' von Visual C++ den Befehl 'Software Service', oder ffnen Sie die Hilfedatei fr den Software Service, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten
Any hints what to do ?
Contact Microsoft technical support. I don't mean to be unhelpful, but this is a bug in VC++, and it's hard to do much about it without knowing what goes on inside the compiler. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com