Hello to all. I need some help using the Boost.Coroutine lib. I wanted to use the coroutines as objects and for that, I tried to build a simple object and inherit the boost::coroutines::coroutine template. ex: class SimpleObj : public boost::coroutines::coroutine<SimpleObj>{ private: std::unique_ptrboost::asio::ip::tcp::socket tcpSkt_uPtr; std::unique_ptrboost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acc_uPtr; public: SimpleObj(std::shared_ptrboost::asio::io_service ioService_ptr, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint &endPoint); ~SimpleObj(); void run(); }; Is this right? Can I actually inherit from the boost::coroutines::coroutine template ? If yes, how can I proceed from here, to use the run() object method as the coroutine itself, with an io_service provided through the constructor ? Thanks for any assistance! -- Carlos Miguel Ferreira Researcher at Telecommunications Institute Aveiro - Portugal Work E-mail - cmf@av.it.pt Skype & GTalk -> carlosmf.pt@gmail.com LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmferreira